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Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
class BaseCollator:
    def __init__(
        self, pad_val: int = 0, pad_shape: List[int] = [], pad_dims: List[int] = []
    ) -> None:
        Initializes collator, which transforms a list of batch items to a tensor with additional
        batch dimension. In case of different shapes, padding is applied.

            pad_val (int, optional): Padding value. Defaults to 0.
            pad_shape (List[int], optional): Dimension sizes after padding. Must match pad_dims. Defaults to [].
            pad_dims (List[int], optional): Dimensions in which padding is applied. Defaults to [].

        assert len(pad_shape) == len(
        ), "Number of padded dims must match dimensionality of padded shape!"

        self.pad_val = pad_val
        self.pad_shape = pad_shape
        self.pad_dims = pad_dims
        self.collate_fn = self.get_collate_fn()

    def get_collate_fn(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]:
        Returns collator functions for each data type in inputs and targets.

            NotImplementedError: Needs to be implemented for a concrete collator.

            Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]: Collator functions that take a list of tensors and return a single tensor.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(
        self, batch: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Performs collation for inputs and targets of a batch.

            batch (List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]): List of (Inputs, Targets) pairs.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Collated inputs and targets.

        return tuple(self.collate_dict(idx, item, batch) for idx, item in enumerate(batch[0]))

    def collate_dict(
        item_idx: int,
        item: Dict[str, Tensor],
        batch: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]],
    ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        Performs collation of batch data for a single data item, i.e., either input or target data.

            item_idx (int): Index of the data item.
            item (Dict[str, Tensor]): Data item, containing several tensors.
            batch (List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]): Full batch data: Each batch item consists of input and target data, which in turn contain several tensors.

            Dict[str, Tensor]: Collated batch data for the given data item, i.e., it contains several tensors, which include a batch dimension.

        return {
            key: self.collate_fn[key]([sample[item_idx][key] for sample in batch]) for key in item

    def pad_collate_nd(self, batch: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
        Pads and concatenates a list of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors along a
        new batch dimension to a single tensor.

            batch (List[Tensor]): List of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors.

            Tensor: Padded and concatenated tensors.

        B = len(batch)
        n_dims = batch[0].dim()
        dims = [max([sample.size(dim) for sample in batch]) for dim in range(n_dims)]
        for idx, pad_dim in enumerate(self.pad_dims):
            dims[pad_dim] = max(dims[pad_dim], self.pad_shape[idx])

        # optimization using shared memory to avoid a copy when passing data to the main process
        if get_worker_info() is not None:
            elem = batch[0]
            numel = int(
                B * torch.tensor(dims).prod().item()  # (elem.element_size() // elem.numel())
            storage = elem._typed_storage()._new_shared(numel, device=elem.device)
            out_shm =
            out_shm[:] = self.pad_val
            out = out_shm.view(B, *dims)
            out = torch.full((B, *dims), self.pad_val, dtype=batch[0].dtype)  # type: ignore

        for idx, sample in enumerate(batch):
            inplace_slice = (idx,) + tuple(slice(sample_dim) for sample_dim in sample.size())
            insert_slice = (slice(None),) * n_dims
            out[inplace_slice] = sample[insert_slice]

        return out

    def flatten_collate(self, batch: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
        Concatenates a list of 0-dimensional (scalar) tensors along a new dimension to a single
        1-dimensional tensor.

            batch (List[Tensor]): List of 0-dimensional tensors.

            Tensor: Concatenated 1-dimensional tensor.

        # optimization using shared memory to avoid a copy when passing data to the main process
        out = None
        if get_worker_info() is not None:
            elem = batch[0]
            numel = len(batch)  # (elem.element_size() // elem.numel()))
            storage = elem._typed_storage()._new_shared(numel, device=elem.device)
            out_shm =
            out = out_shm.view(len(batch))
        return torch.stack(batch, dim=0, out=out)


Performs collation for inputs and targets of a batch.


Name Type Description Default
batch List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]

List of (Inputs, Targets) pairs.



Type Description
Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]

Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Collated inputs and targets.

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def __call__(
    self, batch: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
    Performs collation for inputs and targets of a batch.

        batch (List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]): List of (Inputs, Targets) pairs.

        Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Collated inputs and targets.

    return tuple(self.collate_dict(idx, item, batch) for idx, item in enumerate(batch[0]))

__init__(pad_val=0, pad_shape=[], pad_dims=[])

Initializes collator, which transforms a list of batch items to a tensor with additional batch dimension. In case of different shapes, padding is applied.


Name Type Description Default
pad_val int

Padding value. Defaults to 0.

pad_shape List[int]

Dimension sizes after padding. Must match pad_dims. Defaults to [].

pad_dims List[int]

Dimensions in which padding is applied. Defaults to [].

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def __init__(
    self, pad_val: int = 0, pad_shape: List[int] = [], pad_dims: List[int] = []
) -> None:
    Initializes collator, which transforms a list of batch items to a tensor with additional
    batch dimension. In case of different shapes, padding is applied.

        pad_val (int, optional): Padding value. Defaults to 0.
        pad_shape (List[int], optional): Dimension sizes after padding. Must match pad_dims. Defaults to [].
        pad_dims (List[int], optional): Dimensions in which padding is applied. Defaults to [].

    assert len(pad_shape) == len(
    ), "Number of padded dims must match dimensionality of padded shape!"

    self.pad_val = pad_val
    self.pad_shape = pad_shape
    self.pad_dims = pad_dims
    self.collate_fn = self.get_collate_fn()

collate_dict(item_idx, item, batch)

Performs collation of batch data for a single data item, i.e., either input or target data.


Name Type Description Default
item_idx int

Index of the data item.

item Dict[str, Tensor]

Data item, containing several tensors.

batch List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]

Full batch data: Each batch item consists of input and target data, which in turn contain several tensors.



Type Description
Dict[str, Tensor]

Dict[str, Tensor]: Collated batch data for the given data item, i.e., it contains several tensors, which include a batch dimension.

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def collate_dict(
    item_idx: int,
    item: Dict[str, Tensor],
    batch: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]],
) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
    Performs collation of batch data for a single data item, i.e., either input or target data.

        item_idx (int): Index of the data item.
        item (Dict[str, Tensor]): Data item, containing several tensors.
        batch (List[Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]]): Full batch data: Each batch item consists of input and target data, which in turn contain several tensors.

        Dict[str, Tensor]: Collated batch data for the given data item, i.e., it contains several tensors, which include a batch dimension.

    return {
        key: self.collate_fn[key]([sample[item_idx][key] for sample in batch]) for key in item


Concatenates a list of 0-dimensional (scalar) tensors along a new dimension to a single 1-dimensional tensor.


Name Type Description Default
batch List[Tensor]

List of 0-dimensional tensors.



Name Type Description
Tensor Tensor

Concatenated 1-dimensional tensor.

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def flatten_collate(self, batch: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
    Concatenates a list of 0-dimensional (scalar) tensors along a new dimension to a single
    1-dimensional tensor.

        batch (List[Tensor]): List of 0-dimensional tensors.

        Tensor: Concatenated 1-dimensional tensor.

    # optimization using shared memory to avoid a copy when passing data to the main process
    out = None
    if get_worker_info() is not None:
        elem = batch[0]
        numel = len(batch)  # (elem.element_size() // elem.numel()))
        storage = elem._typed_storage()._new_shared(numel, device=elem.device)
        out_shm =
        out = out_shm.view(len(batch))
    return torch.stack(batch, dim=0, out=out)


Returns collator functions for each data type in inputs and targets.


Type Description

Needs to be implemented for a concrete collator.


Type Description
Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]

Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]: Collator functions that take a list of tensors and return a single tensor.

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def get_collate_fn(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]:
    Returns collator functions for each data type in inputs and targets.

        NotImplementedError: Needs to be implemented for a concrete collator.

        Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]: Collator functions that take a list of tensors and return a single tensor.

    raise NotImplementedError


Pads and concatenates a list of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors along a new batch dimension to a single tensor.


Name Type Description Default
batch List[Tensor]

List of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors.



Name Type Description
Tensor Tensor

Padded and concatenated tensors.

Source code in lightning_boost/modules/preprocessing/
def pad_collate_nd(self, batch: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
    Pads and concatenates a list of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors along a
    new batch dimension to a single tensor.

        batch (List[Tensor]): List of possibly differently shaped n-dimensional tensors.

        Tensor: Padded and concatenated tensors.

    B = len(batch)
    n_dims = batch[0].dim()
    dims = [max([sample.size(dim) for sample in batch]) for dim in range(n_dims)]
    for idx, pad_dim in enumerate(self.pad_dims):
        dims[pad_dim] = max(dims[pad_dim], self.pad_shape[idx])

    # optimization using shared memory to avoid a copy when passing data to the main process
    if get_worker_info() is not None:
        elem = batch[0]
        numel = int(
            B * torch.tensor(dims).prod().item()  # (elem.element_size() // elem.numel())
        storage = elem._typed_storage()._new_shared(numel, device=elem.device)
        out_shm =
        out_shm[:] = self.pad_val
        out = out_shm.view(B, *dims)
        out = torch.full((B, *dims), self.pad_val, dtype=batch[0].dtype)  # type: ignore

    for idx, sample in enumerate(batch):
        inplace_slice = (idx,) + tuple(slice(sample_dim) for sample_dim in sample.size())
        insert_slice = (slice(None),) * n_dims
        out[inplace_slice] = sample[insert_slice]

    return out