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MNIST Tutorial

The aim of this tutorial is to show large parts of Lightning-Boost's features and how it should be used to solve a typical supervised deep learning problem. Here, we use a comparatively simple problem: Predict the digit that is depicted on a small greyscale image as integer number. It is also known as MNIST classification problem, named by the corresponding MNIST dataset.


The development of a codebase that solves such a problem using Lightning-Boost consists of seven components that have to be implemented:

  • Dataset
  • Preprocessing
  • Datamodule
  • Model
  • System
  • Loss functions and metrics
  • Main script

The scope of the implementation is reduced to the very problem-specific bits, whereas common boilerplate code is hidden in several base classes and utility functions. In the following, we go step by step through the implementation of these modules to solve the MNIST classification problem.

Directory Structure

Before we can start the actual implementation, we need to define a directory structure. For this tutorial, we mainly stick to the recommended directory structure of Lightning-Boost and only omit the ./modules/trainable/ subfolder, as we have only one model that is not complex enough to justify the outsourcing of trainable modules. Therefore, our directory structure is as follows:

├── data/
│   ├── datamodules/
│   └── datasets/
├── models/
├── modules/
│   ├── loss/
│   ├── metrics/
│   └── preprocessing/
└── systems/


Full source code
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from PIL.Image import Image
from torchvision.datasets import MNIST

from import BaseDataset
from lightning_boost.modules.preprocessing import BaseTransform

class MNISTDataset(BaseDataset):
    """MNIST dataset."""

    # --8<-- [start:init]
    def __init__(
        root: str,
        train: bool = True,
        download: bool = False,
        transform: Optional[BaseTransform] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initializes MNIST dataset.

            root (str): Directory, where data is to be stored.
            train (bool, optional): Whether training data is used. Defaults to True.
            download (bool, optional): Whether dataset should be downloaded. Defaults to False.
            transform (BaseTransform, optional): Data transform. Defaults to None.

        super().__init__(root, download, transform)  # (1)

        self.train = train
        self.dataset = MNIST(str(self.path), train=self.train, download=False)  # (2)

    # --8<-- [end:init]

    # --8<-- [start:download]
    def download(self) -> None:
        Downloads dataset.

        MNIST(str(self.path), train=True, download=True)
        MNIST(str(self.path), train=False, download=True)

    # --8<-- [end:download]

    # --8<-- [start:get_item]
    def get_item(self, index: int) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Image], Dict[str, int]]:
        Returns data item at given index.

            index (int): Index.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Image], Dict[str, int]]: Inputs, targets.

        img, target = self.dataset[index]

        return {"x": img}, {"y": target}

    # --8<-- [end:get_item]

    # --8<-- [start:len]
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        Returns size of dataset.

            int: Dataset size.

        return len(self.dataset)

    # --8<-- [end:len]

We start by defining a specialized dataset class MNISTDataset that is derived from the base class, which is itself an extended version of PyTorch's class. BaseDataset extends the basic Dataset class of PyTorch by the automatic application of transforms to input and target data as well as the automatic data download, if not located on disk yet.

As for the basic Dataset class of PyTorch, we necessarily have to override two methods that return the length of the dataset and the data at a specific index, respectively. For BaseDataset, these are __len__() and get_item() (not __getitem__()!). Optionally, we can override the method download(), if we want to implement the automatic data download. Last, when overriding __init__() to load the data, one has to call the __init__() method of the BaseDataset super class inside, prior to the data loading logic.

The __init__() method of the BaseDataset class expects the three parameters root, download, transform, which correspond to the path where the data is (to be) stored on disk, whether it should be downloaded, and the transform(s) applied to input and target data, respectively. After initialization, BaseDataset provides the attribute path (an instance of pathlib.Path), which is simply the passed root path with an additional directory named by the class name of the custom dataset class (in this case, mnist_dataset). It should be used when implementing the download() method or the data loading logic in the __init__() method.


For our MNIST example, we take advantage of the fact that the MNIST dataset is already contained as class MNIST in the torchvision package, and use our specialized MNISTDataset class as a wrapper class. Therefore, we override __init__() and pass an additional parameters train, which indicates whether we want to access the training oder test dataset of MNIST.

def __init__(
    root: str,
    train: bool = True,
    download: bool = False,
    transform: Optional[BaseTransform] = None,
) -> None:
    Initializes MNIST dataset.

        root (str): Directory, where data is to be stored.
        train (bool, optional): Whether training data is used. Defaults to True.
        download (bool, optional): Whether dataset should be downloaded. Defaults to False.
        transform (BaseTransform, optional): Data transform. Defaults to None.

    super().__init__(root, download, transform)  # (1)

    self.train = train
    self.dataset = MNIST(str(self.path), train=self.train, download=False)  # (2)
  1. Simply pass the parameters root, download, transform of BaseDataset to this super class's __init__ call.
  2. Since the automatic data download of BaseDataset takes care of data downloads, we set the download parameter to False here.


The MNIST dataset of torchvision also provides automatic data download, so we implement the download() method of our MNISTDataset class by initializing torchvision's MNIST dataset and triggering the download explicitly for both the training and the test dataset.

def download(self) -> None:
    Downloads dataset.

    MNIST(str(self.path), train=True, download=True)
    MNIST(str(self.path), train=False, download=True)


The get_item() method takes an integer index and returns the corresponding input and target data of the dataset. Internally, it is called by the __getitem__() method of the BaseDataset class, which then also applies the transforms to input and target data.

Since the __getitem__() method of torchvision's MNIST class is implemented properly, we can simply access the image as well as the label by indexing the dataset. Next, as this is how we pass input and target data in the Lightning-Boost framework, we return two dictionaries, containing the input and target data, respectively.

Keys can be set customly; for convenience, however, "x" and "y" are recommended for such a single-task problem.

def get_item(self, index: int) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Image], Dict[str, int]]:
    Returns data item at given index.

        index (int): Index.

        Tuple[Dict[str, Image], Dict[str, int]]: Inputs, targets.

    img, target = self.dataset[index]

    return {"x": img}, {"y": target}


Finally, in the __len__() method, we simply return the length of torchvision's MNIST dataset.

def __len__(self) -> int:
    Returns size of dataset.

        int: Dataset size.

    return len(self.dataset)

Init file

To allow simpler import statements, we create a file where we import the class MNISTDataset that was just implemented. This is also done for the following specializations of base classes, but we refrain from mentioning there explicitly for the sake of brevity.

from .mnist_dataset import MNISTDataset


The functionality implemented in the preprocessing refers to manipulation of the data's content and structure, before it is fed into the model(s). Lightning-Boost (and PyTorch) distinguish here between transforms and the collator, whereas the latter is a special transform to enable data batching. As already mentioned in Dataset/Get-Item, input and target data are passed between different components via two separate dictionaries.


Full source code
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import torch
from PIL.Image import Image
from torch import Tensor
from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize, to_tensor

from lightning_boost.modules.preprocessing import BaseTransform, CompositeTransform

# --8<-- [start:mnist_transform]
class MNISTTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Composite transform for MNIST classification task."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initializes transform for MNIST dataset."""

        self.transform = CompositeTransform(
            [ToTensorTransform(), StandardizeTransform([0.1307], [0.3081])]

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Image], targets: Dict[str, int]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Performs transform for MNIST data.

            inputs (Dict[str, Image]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, int]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        return self.transform(inputs, targets)

# --8<-- [end:mnist_transform]

# --8<-- [start:to_tensor_transform]
class ToTensorTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Transform into tensors."""

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Image], targets: Dict[str, int]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Transforms PIL image (input) and integer (target) into tensors.

            inputs (Dict[str, Image]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, int]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        inputs["x"] = to_tensor(inputs["x"])
        targets["y"] = torch.tensor(targets["y"], dtype=torch.long)

        return inputs, targets

# --8<-- [end:to_tensor_transform]

# --8<-- [start:standardize_transform]
class StandardizeTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Standardization transform."""

    def __init__(self, mean: List[float], std: List[float]) -> None:
        Initializes transform.

            mean (List[float]): Channel-wise means of input data.
            std (List[float]): Channel-wise standard deviations of input data.

        self.mean = mean
        self.std = std

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Tensor], targets: Dict[str, Tensor]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Standardizes input tensor.

            inputs (Dict[str, Any]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, Any]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        normalize(inputs["x"], mean=self.mean, std=self.std, inplace=True)  # (1)

        return inputs, targets

# --8<-- [end:standardize_transform]

For the general transforms, Lightning-Boost provides the base class BaseTransform as well as the class CompositeTransform, which inherits from BaseTransform and allows the composition of several BaseTransforms. Specialization of BaseTransform requires only the implementation of the __call__() method, which takes the dictionaries for input and target data and returns two dictionaries containing the transformed input and target data.

In this tutorial on the MNIST classification problem, we want to implement a transform that standardizes the input data (i.e., setting their mean and variance to 0 and 1, respectively). Since torchvision's MNIST dataset returns the input image as PIL.Image and the label as python integer, we also have to implement a transform that converts both to torch.Tensor.

The latter is achieved by implementing the class ToTensorTransform, which simply calls to_tensor() (provided by torchvision) on the input image and creates a tensor out of the label. Note that in PyTorch, labels should be stored in 64-bit integer tensors.

class ToTensorTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Transform into tensors."""

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Image], targets: Dict[str, int]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Transforms PIL image (input) and integer (target) into tensors.

            inputs (Dict[str, Image]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, int]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        inputs["x"] = to_tensor(inputs["x"])
        targets["y"] = torch.tensor(targets["y"], dtype=torch.long)

        return inputs, targets

For the standardization, we implement another subclass of BaseTransform, named StandardizeTransform. Mean and standard deviation are passed on initialization. Standardization is then applied to the input data in the __call__() method using torchvision's function normalize().

class StandardizeTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Standardization transform."""

    def __init__(self, mean: List[float], std: List[float]) -> None:
        Initializes transform.

            mean (List[float]): Channel-wise means of input data.
            std (List[float]): Channel-wise standard deviations of input data.

        self.mean = mean
        self.std = std

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Tensor], targets: Dict[str, Tensor]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Standardizes input tensor.

            inputs (Dict[str, Any]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, Any]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        normalize(inputs["x"], mean=self.mean, std=self.std, inplace=True)  # (1)

        return inputs, targets
  1. Note how the name of torchvision.transforms.functional.normalize is actually wrong, since we perform a standardization (setting data's mean and variance to 0 and 1, respectively) and not a normalization (rescaling data to a specific range, typically [0, 1]).

Last, because BaseDataset expects a single instance of BaseTransform, we implement a third transform class MNISTTransform. It contains the composition of ToTensorTransform and StandardizeTransform by incorporating the corresponding CompositeTransform as attribute. Since the mean and standard deviation of the MNIST dataset are known, they are passed as constants to the StandardizeTransform.

class MNISTTransform(BaseTransform):
    """Composite transform for MNIST classification task."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initializes transform for MNIST dataset."""

        self.transform = CompositeTransform(
            [ToTensorTransform(), StandardizeTransform([0.1307], [0.3081])]

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: Dict[str, Image], targets: Dict[str, int]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]:
        Performs transform for MNIST data.

            inputs (Dict[str, Image]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, int]): Targets.

            Tuple[Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Inputs, targets (transformed).

        return self.transform(inputs, targets)


Full source code
from typing import Callable, Dict, List

from torch import Tensor

from lightning_boost.modules.preprocessing import BaseCollator

# --8<-- [start:mnist_collator]
class MNISTCollator(BaseCollator):
    """Collator for MNIST classification task."""

    def get_collate_fn(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]:
        Returns collator functions for each data type in inputs and targets.

            Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]: Collator functions that take a list of
            tensors and return a single tensor.

        return {
            "x": self.pad_collate_nd,
            "y": self.flatten_collate,

# --8<-- [start:mnist_collator]

For the collator, Lightning-Boost provides the base class BaseCollator. When implementing a specialized subclass of it, we only need to override the method get_collate_fn(), which returns a dictionary of (string, function) pairs: For each key in the two input and target data dictionaries returned by the used transform, we need to specify a collator function. Such a collator function takes a list of tensors and returns a single tensor that stacks the passed tensors along a new batch dimension.

BaseCollator already contains the two collator functions pad_collate_nd and flatten_collate. The first one should be used for potentially differently shaped multi-dimensional tensors, where different shapes are unified by padding. The function flatten_collate, by contrast, takes one-dimensional tensors and concatenates them.

As our MNISTTransform returns dictionaries with the keys "x" for three-dimensional image tensors and "y" for single-element label tensors, we have to specify the collator function for exactly these two types of data. With the mentioned properties, we use pad_collate_nd for "x" and flatten_collate for "y".

class MNISTCollator(BaseCollator):
    """Collator for MNIST classification task."""

    def get_collate_fn(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]:
        Returns collator functions for each data type in inputs and targets.

            Dict[str, Callable[[List[Tensor]], Tensor]]: Collator functions that take a list of
            tensors and return a single tensor.

        return {
            "x": self.pad_collate_nd,
            "y": self.flatten_collate,


Full source code
from typing import Tuple, Type

from data.datasets import MNISTDataset
from modules.preprocessing import MNISTCollator, MNISTTransform
from import Dataset, random_split

from import BaseDatamodule

# --8<-- [start:mnist_datamodule]
class MNISTDatamodule(BaseDatamodule):
    """Datamodule for MNIST classification task."""

    def get_collator(self, **kwargs) -> MNISTCollator:
        Returns collator, which transforms a list of batch items to a tensor with additional
        batch dimension.

            MNISTCollator: Collator.

        return MNISTCollator()

    def get_dataset_type(self) -> Type[MNISTDataset]:
        Returns type of used dataset.

            Type[MNISTDataset]: Dataset type.

        return MNISTDataset

    def get_transform(self, **kwargs) -> MNISTTransform:
        Returns transform, which preprocesses data.

            MNISTTransform: Transform.

        return MNISTTransform()

    def get_train_test_split(self) -> Tuple[Dataset, Dataset]:
        Returns train (incl. validation data) and test datasets (only for cross-validation).

            Tuple[Dataset, Dataset]: Train, test dataset.

        train_dataset = self.instantiate_dataset(train=True)
        test_dataset = self.instantiate_dataset(train=False)

        return train_dataset, test_dataset

# --8<-- [end:mnist_datamodule]

The datamodule manages the distribution of data to the system during training, validation and testing. To implement it for our MNIST example, we need to extend the base class BaseDatamodule. Here, we need to implement the four methods get_transform(), get_collator(), get_dataset_type(), and get_train_test_split(). Thanks to the preliminary work already done, this is less than it sounds.

For the first two methods, we can simply return instances of the MNISTTransform and MNISTCollator, respectively. The get_dataset_type() method then returns the type of our custom dataset, i.e., MNISTDataset.

Finally, get_train_test_split() is meant to create splits of the total dataset for training and testing. Since the MNIST dataset is pre-split into a training and a test dataset, we directly use the latter as such. The training-validation split, on the other hand, is by default created as a random split of the traning data utilizing the function and the attribute val_ratio of BaseDatamodule, which is passed on initialization. If needed, one would have to override the method get_train_val_split() to change that behavior. In analogy to val_ratio, there is also an attribute test_ratio, which we do not need for this MNIST example, but could use when implementing get_train_test_split().

Note that BaseDatamodule provides the method instantiate_dataset(), where we do not need to pass the three parameters root, download, transform of a BaseDataset, but only additional parameters of our custom dataset class (in this case, train).

class MNISTDatamodule(BaseDatamodule):
    """Datamodule for MNIST classification task."""

    def get_collator(self, **kwargs) -> MNISTCollator:
        Returns collator, which transforms a list of batch items to a tensor with additional
        batch dimension.

            MNISTCollator: Collator.

        return MNISTCollator()

    def get_dataset_type(self) -> Type[MNISTDataset]:
        Returns type of used dataset.

            Type[MNISTDataset]: Dataset type.

        return MNISTDataset

    def get_transform(self, **kwargs) -> MNISTTransform:
        Returns transform, which preprocesses data.

            MNISTTransform: Transform.

        return MNISTTransform()

    def get_train_test_split(self) -> Tuple[Dataset, Dataset]:
        Returns train (incl. validation data) and test datasets (only for cross-validation).

            Tuple[Dataset, Dataset]: Train, test dataset.

        train_dataset = self.instantiate_dataset(train=True)
        test_dataset = self.instantiate_dataset(train=False)

        return train_dataset, test_dataset


Full source code
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Flatten, Linear, ReLU

from lightning_boost.models import BaseModel

# --8<-- [start:mnist_model]
class MNISTModel(BaseModel):
    """MLP model for MNIST classification task."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        Initializes FC-784-256-256-10 model.

        self.flatten = Flatten()
        self.lin1 = Linear(784, 256)
        self.lin2 = Linear(256, 256)
        self.lin3 = Linear(256, 10)
        self.act = ReLU()

    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Performs forward pass.
        B: Batch dim.
        P: Pixels per dim (28).
        C: Class dim (10).

            x (Tensor): Input [B, 1, P, P].

            Tensor: Prediction [B, C].

        out = self.flatten(x)
        out = self.lin1(out)
        out = self.act(out)
        out = self.lin2(out)
        out = self.act(out)
        out = self.lin3(out)

        return out

# --8<-- [end:mnist_model]

The model is the actual predictive, trainable component in the system. In Lightning-Boost, we implement a model by extending the base class BaseModel, which is a LightningModule equipped with an additional name attribute. By default, it is set to the dasherized, lowercase version of the class name. As for the regular LightningModule, we only need to define the architecture of our model in the __init__() method (without forgetting to call the __init__() of the super class) as well as its forward pass in the forward() method.

For this example, we use a basic fully-connected network architecture with two 256-wide hidden layers and ReLU activation.

class MNISTModel(BaseModel):
    """MLP model for MNIST classification task."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        Initializes FC-784-256-256-10 model.

        self.flatten = Flatten()
        self.lin1 = Linear(784, 256)
        self.lin2 = Linear(256, 256)
        self.lin3 = Linear(256, 10)
        self.act = ReLU()

    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Performs forward pass.
        B: Batch dim.
        P: Pixels per dim (28).
        C: Class dim (10).

            x (Tensor): Input [B, 1, P, P].

            Tensor: Prediction [B, C].

        out = self.flatten(x)
        out = self.lin1(out)
        out = self.act(out)
        out = self.lin2(out)
        out = self.act(out)
        out = self.lin3(out)

        return out


Full source code
from typing import Dict

from torch import Tensor

from import BaseSystem

# --8<-- [start:mnist_system]
class MNISTSystem(BaseSystem):
    """DL system for MNIST classification task."""

    def step(self, inputs: Dict[str, Tensor], targets: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        Performs a single step in training/validation/testing.

            inputs (Dict[str, Tensor]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, Tensor]): Targets.

            Dict[str, Tensor]: Predictions.

        x = inputs['x']
        y_hat = self.models['mnist-model'](x)

        return {'y': y_hat}

# --8<-- [end:mnist_system]

Yet the system manages the whole training, validation and testing process, its implementation is rather simple. Again, we extend a base class provided by Lightning-Boost, in this case BaseSystem. To do so, only one method step() has to be implemented.

Before that, however, some clarification is needed on the initialization of a system. The class BaseSystem takes three mandatory parameters -- models, loss as well as optimizer -- and several optional ones. For now, however, only models is relevant. It is either a list of BaseModel instances or a single BaseModel instance, which are/is then stored in the dictionary attribute models, with the name attribute of the BaseModel instance(s) as key(s). In our case, as we have only one model class MNISTModel where we use the default name, the corresponding model instance is stored under the key "mnist-model".

The step() method performs one iteration of training/validation/testing by taking the two dictionaries for (transformed and batched) input and target data and returning a dictionary of predictions. Here, the keys of the returned predictions dictionary must match the keys of the target data dictionary. In our MNIST example, we only have one type of target data with key "y", so we return one prediction tensor with the same key. To compute the predictions, we simply take the input data and feed it into the MNISTModel.

class MNISTSystem(BaseSystem):
    """DL system for MNIST classification task."""

    def step(self, inputs: Dict[str, Tensor], targets: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        Performs a single step in training/validation/testing.

            inputs (Dict[str, Tensor]): Inputs.
            targets (Dict[str, Tensor]): Targets.

            Dict[str, Tensor]: Predictions.

        x = inputs['x']
        y_hat = self.models['mnist-model'](x)

        return {'y': y_hat}

Loss Functions and Metrics

To support the features of Lightning-Boost, both loss functions and metrics need to be defined through the usage of special wrapper classes, namely TaskLoss and TaskMetric. However, this becomes only relevant when making configurations and executing the main script (see Execution). For the implementation, we can use any proper class that inherits from torch.nn.Module and torchmetrics.Metric as loss function and metric, respectively.

In this tutorial, we do not implement custom loss functions or metrics, but use PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss and torchmetrics' MulticlassAccuracy. We simply import them in two files.

from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss
from torchmetrics.classification import MulticlassAccuracy

Main Script

As promised, the main script consists of only one actual line of code (excluding imports). These imports, however, are essential, as they allow accessing the implemented classes from the command line interface (CLI).

Hence, we import models, systems, data.datamodules, data.datasets, modules.loss, and modules.metrics. We also need the class LightningBoostCLI, which defines the CLI.

Subsequently, in the main function, we simply instantiate the CLI. And that's it.

import models
import systems
from data import datamodules, datasets
from modules import loss, metrics

from lightning_boost.cli import LightningBoostCLI

def main():
    cli = LightningBoostCLI()

if __name__ == "__main__":


Command line interface

The execution of the main script is strictly defined through the subcommands fit, validate, test, which either run the full optimization routine, or one epoch on the validation or test split, respectively. Futhermore, we must specify the arguments --system and --data by passing the names of our implemented system MNISTSystem and datamodule MNISTDatamodule. As the latter has no non-default parameters, we are fine here.

For the MNISTSystem, by contrast, we need to set parameters models, loss and optimizer. For the model, we again just pass the name of the corresponding class MNISTModel.

The parameter loss, however, needs to be of type TaskLoss, so we pass TaskLoss, for which we have to specify the parameter instance. Here, we simply pass CrossEntropyLoss.

Last, for the optimizer, we just pass Adam and use its default parameters.

The optional parameters of MNISTSystem are lr_scheduler, lr_scheduling_policy, train_metrics, val_metrics, and test_metrics. As a learning rate scheduler, we use (and pass) ReduceLROnPlateau with default parameters. The parameter lr_scheduling_policy takes an instance of the class LRSchedulingPolicy provided by Lightning-Boost, specifying, e.g., how often learning rates are adapted. As it is used as default, we do not explicitly have to pass anything, unless we want to change the policy's default parameters.

For all three remaining parameters related to the metrics, we have to specify a TaskMetric, similar to the loss. Then, for its parameter instance, we set MulticlassAccuracy with num_classes=10, as there are ten classes in the MNIST classification problem.

In the end, the final command for model fitting looks as follows:

$ python fit \
    --data=MNISTDatamodule \
    --system=MNISTSystem \
        --system.models=MNISTModel \
        --system.loss=TaskLoss \
            --system.loss.instance=CrossEntropyLoss \
        --system.optimizer=Adam \
        --system.lr_scheduler=ReduceLROnPlateau \
        --system.train_metrics=TaskMetric \
            --system.train_metrics.instance=MulticlassAccuracy \
                --system.train_metrics.instance.num_classes=10 \
        --system.val_metrics=TaskMetric \
            --system.val_metrics.instance=MulticlassAccuracy \
                --system.val_metrics.instance.num_classes=10 \
        --system.test_metrics=TaskMetric \
            --system.test_metrics.instance=MulticlassAccuracy \

YAML configuration

Since this is quite lengthy and we definetely do not want to retype everything if we run the script more than once, we can luckily generate a configuration file. To do so, we add --print_config > config.yaml to the command above, and it creates the configuration file config.yaml. At first, this looks even more lengthy, but one can optionally remove every default parameter setting to make it clearer. Finally, we can run the config-based fitting process via the command python fit --config config.yaml.

When the training has been finished, we can test our model using the subcommand test and the argument --ckpt_path, where we pass the path to the checkpoint of our trained model. By default, run logs are stored in the directory lightning_logs, named by date and timestamp. For the remaining configuration, we can reuse config.yaml.